Robert Smith, perhaps one of music’s most interesting characters. Even almost at the age of 50 Smith is still dawning his trademark lipstick and wild messed up hair look that made him a hero to all goth kids long before most goth kids were even born.
4:13 The Dream is drastically different then the late 80’s post punk Cure there are no bouncy choruses and catchy guitar riffs. Interestingly enough it seems like Smith’s lipstick may have entered into his brain and caused him to dawn a more glam metal sound akin to that of T-Rex and The Sweet with double guitar harmonies and all.
The albums opener Underneth The Stairs is one of the most interesting Cure tracks I’ve ever heard, Layered with distortion and reverberated guitars the tracks screams out to the listener and is easily one of the best tracks on the album and its as close to romantic as The Cure can possibly get. Another key track of 4:13 The Dream is The Only One which conjures up some classic Cure pop sound but with an edge which is what makes the Cure so good.
4:13 The Dream is one of the The Cure’s most interesting releases to date and it seems like Smith’s vocals have gotten increasingly worse from album to album. But understand this, 4:13 The Dream is certainly no Wish which is the pinnacle of classic Cure maybe it’s the age of the band that’s changed the sound but the edginess is all here it just sounds different.
The album as a whole is very un even and evenness is what made all the late 80’s Cure albums the best. If you’ve like the string of latest Cure albums then you probably wont like this release but if you hated the grunge only 10 years later sound of 2004’s self titled release then you may like this album.