If there’s one musician in the history of music that can get any group of people to sing along with him it would be Neil Diamond. Yes that’s right good ole Neil has been rocking us with his classic tune Sweet Caroline for years in all his hairy chested pop-rock sensation. But Neil wasn’t always a stadium rocker he has his roots in the acoustic singer-songwriter world. And that’s just what Home before Dark gives us.
Produced by Rick Rubin Home Before Dark certainly shows his age, the album is chuck full of songs about the passing of time and reflection. But don’t get me wrong this album isn’t all mellow acoustic songs there are a few power-house anthems like the tunes “One More Bite of the Apple” and “Don’t Go There” which both could translate well to the stage where the Diamond really shines.
If you’re a DiamondHead your certainly going to love this album its got all the classic coifed hair and hairy chested Diamond that you know and love but its also go a very different side to Neil. One in which life has certainly taken a toll and he’s not the young man he used to be. If your not a fan of Neil Diamond, well then you can just get right out of here. (only kidding) if your not a fan of the Diamond you may like this album. It’s a very mellow album and there aren’t any “Cherry Cherry’s” or “Sweet Carolines” its just a good and pure acoustic rock album
Score 2/5
Score 2/5